Once upon a night, 3 am, Omegle

Emna El Mokhtar
4 min readAug 12, 2024


It’s been long since I’ve surfed the waves of Omegle.

And I don’t think I will ever want to surf them again.

But this, as strangely and meaningfully, was the last conversation I had on it, and I just stumbled upon it now again as I wanted to create a new note.

Whoever the person was, whatever the reason for that conversation is, it’s something I consider worth sharing here, so here you go;

Stranger: Hi

You: hoy

You: what time is it there

Stranger: 630. U?

You: there as in where you are

You: its 3 am

You: so you re on the east

You: hehe

Stranger: 3am on omegle? You must be lonely

You: super investigator skills

You: damn man

You: why would you jump there

You: ive had a lovely night

Stranger: Why are you on omegle at 3am?

You: and anytime of the day on omegle is lonley, isn’t it

Stranger: Searching AI

You: wait

You: how

You: exactly here on omegle

You: curious

Stranger: Are you suicidal?

You: i laughed by sigh

You: no

You: how come you have such genuine concern for a total stranger

Stranger: I hope not. Your worth it.

You: i am confused

You: whether it’s genuine or an ai experiment

Stranger: Its genuine. Suicide is very common. Sadly.

You: where do you live, may I ask

Stranger: I live in California.

Stranger: You?

You: north africa

You: pff

Stranger: Great.

You: i switched the time zones so my guess was wrong

Stranger: Do you know your purpose in life?

You: instead of stranger you can call me M

You: i have a lot of questions for you

You: if you are really someone who lives in california and working on ai

You: and by call me M it’s not for male

You: my name has the sound M in it

You: it constitutes half of the full sound

You: are you a woman?

Stranger: I’m concerned your up at 3am on an AI tag. Your either filled with paranoia, super lonely, bored. Which is it

You: ah

You: you’re a creepy darkening guru or something?

You: there are million other reasons why someone would be up on omegle at 3am

Stranger: What is your purpose in life M?

You: how narrow minded can you be

You: it’s not loneliness that leads to paranoia and suicide

You: fortunately

You: it’s a sentimental loneliness

You: dam im too triggered

You: you’re good

Stranger: Okay. But answer my question please

You: can you tell me a little about yourself before I answer you

You: and why you ask that question

Stranger: I ask you that question cuz your up at 3am.

You: who are you

Stranger: I’m a human being just like you

You: you didn’t answer my question either

Stranger: But I asked you first… it seems you don’t know your purpose and your seeking something that will fill that void in your heart

You: is it okay that I laugh sighted again?

You: even though what you said has

You: made its impact, let’s say

You: okay

You: fair enough, i will answer your question and then you let me know your purpose in life

You: i know my purpose in life, but for now, it’s forgotten

You: my life has scattered in many ways through cumulative, consistent and harmful habits

You: the kind of downhill that is slow but aching if you are aware of it and don’t steer in the opposite direction

You: now i am recovering

You: and in the meantime of it

You: i will recover slowly and remember my purpose surely

You: if there ever really was, a specific purpose for me

You: i believe that some of us have specific purposes and die peacefully when they have fulfilled it

You: while some have the purpose of living in harmony with themselves so we can truly thrive as a human specie

You: it’s a utopic dream, only the belief have to be that high to sustain the strength of trying to obtain it, and keep trying

You: i used to be sure my purpose was related to creating something memorable, leaving behind a great movie, or a unique museum of knowledge, or building a powerful organization fighting head to head with big greedy corporate

You: and i’ve almost genuinely and fiercly cared about these purposes equally

You: some are more redundant than others in their theme

You: sooooooooooo

You: ive really already talked so much

You: i will for now live an ordinary life, for a year, to regain my sense of self and find my true propose, there are deep parts in me i am yet to meet

Stranger: Thanks for explaining. It seems you’ve lived a life of ups and downs. It also seems that your struggling to find your identity.

Stranger: This world is passing away. Along with its lust

Stranger: Your going to be dead a whole lot longer than your alive, so I would recommend to research and seek what’s on the other side of this life

Stranger: You have the rest of your life to look into guaranteed hope after death

Stranger: Farewell M



Emna El Mokhtar
Emna El Mokhtar

Written by Emna El Mokhtar

Hi ! Zivo Zivo, it means come live and laugh in Serbian.

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